Command Line Interface

The main entry point is the Django management command script.

$ ./ --help

Lists all sub-commands available, including Django built-in commands. VulnerableCode’s own commands are listed under the [vulnerabilities] section:

$ ./ --help

$ ./ <subcommand> --help

Displays help for the provided sub-command.

For example:

$ ./ import --help
usage: import [-h] [--list] [--all] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}]
                        [--settings SETTINGS] [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH]
                        [--traceback] [--no-color] [--force-color]
                        [sources [sources ...]]

Import vulnerability data

positional arguments:
  sources               Fully qualified importer name to run

$ ./ import <importer-name>

Import vulnerability data using the given importer name.

Other variations:

  • --list List all available importers

  • --all Run all available importers

$ ./ improve <improver-name>

Improve the imported vulnerability data using the given improver name.

Other variations:

  • --list List all available improvers

  • --all Run all available improvers

$ ./ purl2cpe --destination <directory

Dump a mapping of CPEs to PURLs grouped by vulnerability in the destination directory.

Other variations:

  • --limit Limit the number of processed vulnerabilities